With a population of over 240 million in Nigeria, 47% lives in the rural area and still use fuel wood and charcoal for their cooking needs, of which 93,000 women die annually from smoke inhaled, cooking with fuel wood.
Nigeria has over 120 solar power ‘
+mini-grid with majority of the household connected still relying on firewood for their cooking needs
The World Bank and the Rural Electrification Agency has projected that about 10,000 Mini-grids would be built in the next five years in Nigeria to electrify over 10 million households and businesses.
We have organized 3 sensitization workshops and demonstration session in mini-grid communities, on the benefits of electric cooking where we had the men and the women participate.
We are providing Electric cookers that are simple to use.
We are providing instalment payment plans through microfinance bank and cooperative.
Electric cooking is more than just a convenient way to prepare meals. It has the power to transform rural communities by providing ease and cost saving solution for a daily routine.